Enroll at the hotel management school Geneva means taking the first step towards a professional career in a sector that is constantly growing and offers countless opportunities around the world.


Hospitality Career opportunity at Hotel Management School Geneva

Hospitality jobs opportunities around the world

When most people think of a career prospects in hotels and restaurants, they don’t consider the hospitality industry as an industry to pursue success in, in spite hospitality career opportunities are very large :

Hospitality management graduates are highly employable, applying their skills to careers in events, hotel and conference management, sales and business development.

Our graduates are today employed on five continents. Their careers are as varied as their personalities.

They have all been able to flourish in a trade that suits them and our only wish is to see our future students take a path towards their personal success.

As a graduate of Hotel Management School of Geneva, (Ecole Hôtelière de Genève), a swiss hospitality management school you benefit from a wide choice of careers in different trades in Switzerland and abroad.


Assistants and heads of departments (accommodation, catering, human resources, finance, sales & marketing, etc.)
Members of management (department head, general manager, etc.)
SME bosses (manager, business creators)


Catering and/or accommodation managers in the following sectors: hospital, community, transport, serviced accommodation, retirement home, health/fitness sector, suppliers (food and equipment).


Varied and efficient careers in tourist offices, tour operators, travel agencies, banks, trustees, insurance companies, computer companies (hotel and catering software), etc…

Search for placements and find out more about work experience and internship.

Ecole Hoteliere Geneve, Parents decouvrez un campus ou il fait bon vivre

Discover hotel jobs opportunities directly related to your degree :

A hospitality degree will give you an in-depth understanding of the structure and operation of the industry and its related sectors.

A common thread is a focus on identifying, understanding and responding to the needs of consumers, so as to provide an excellent customer experience.

The hospitality sector offers good prospects for early responsibility, so if you show a willingness and ability to learn, you can gain experience of supervising and training new staff early on in your career.

You are a knowledgeable business leader. The health of your establishment relies on your qualities as manager, leader, strategist, businessperson, and so on.

You have a double goal: to ensure your clients are satisfied and that your hotel prospers. You are the establishment’s engine: it is you who centralises information and coordinates the various departments.

As leader and ambassador of your establishment, you are at the head of a specialised team: reception manager, accommodation manager, housekeeper, chef, etc.  You have a determination to provide irreproachable service that you pass on to your employees. It goes without saying that hotels are notorious for being patiently built and very quickly demolished!

As a good manager, you pay attention to operating costs, set goals, monitor turnover and budget investments, and you have another concern: the profitability of your hotel. This involves efficient management (including your staff) and sustained business activity in order to retain and develop the customer base.

Everyone knows this role as HR Director. You are a real “one-man band” with multiple skills.

Your responsibilities cover all human relations in the company. In concrete terms, you supervise social relations, i.e., dialogue with company partners (trade unions, works councils, staff representatives, etc.), administration and personnel management, training, internal communication, etc.

You report directly to the General Manager and it is you who proposes a human resources management policy and defines the procedures for its implementation.

In this way, you analyse the human needs of the company, and instruct recruitment officers to select candidates who can strengthen the workforce.

You also organise the career management of the company’s employees, their professional development, their progress through the hierarchy.

Finally, these services ensure the administrative monitoring of employees (leave, contracts, payroll, illness, etc.)

Dust on a piece of furniture, a burnt-out lightbulb… nothing escapes your expert housekeeping eye. Having an excellent housekeeper is indispensable in good establishments – someone who manages with friendliness, but firmness on the room floors.

You watch over the comfort and well-being of the hotel’s clients. You are not only responsible for room cleanliness, but also for their comfort and harmony. As such, you do not hesitate to arrange flowers in a vase, replace a pillow, correct the folds of a curtain, etc.

When the management undertakes renovations, you are also called on for your sense of organisation and your taste for decoration.

Laundry workers, valets and maids – you direct, coordinate and supervise the staff in charge of cleaning and maintenance.

Like a perfectly organised orchestra conductor, you divide the tasks, taking into account arrivals and departures, planning schedules and staff. You then inspect their work to make sure everything is perfect for the customer.

You manage inventories of equipment and linen in service, the supply of hygiene products and maintenance, and you report works to be done on the rooms.

As a preferred contact for clients in the event of complaints or special requests, you may also be entrusted with the training and recruitment of floor staff..

An eternal sense of service, but also unshakable friendliness, including with irritable clients, and sufficient resistance to face days that are often very “physical” – these are the qualities you must demonstrate, day after day.

You welcome each client from behind your desk or on the telephone. You know all hotel services inside out. But that’s not all. In luxury or prestigious hotels, reception staff is extensive. Each person occupies a well-defined position, under the responsibility of a head of reception.

In small establishments, you are versatile. In addition to your reception and information function, you carry out administrative tasks: reservations, registration of arrivals and departures, involving ever more digitisation. You may also need to coordinate the work of the floor staff and laundry.

When there is no cashier, it is you who prepares the bill of each customer and takes the payment.


You are responsible for everything in the entire hotel catering area (restaurants, bars, room service and sometimes the banquet service). Your responsibility also includes the kitchen, the office, the cellar and the commissary. Before any manager, it is you who defines and controls the budget allocated to operating the establishment. In collaboration with the chef, you manage purchases, draw up the menu and set the price of the dishes on offer.

Together with the hotel’s general manager, you define the restaurant’s commercial policy and work on its brand image, the purpose of these steps naturally being to increase the profitability of the restaurant. The other facet of your job involves staff supervision: recruitment, training, day-to-day management.

You are also present to ensure reception quality and the smooth running of the services or to listen to clients’ remarks and then adapt the establishment to their wishes. Hospitality career opportunities for this are every large all over the world

You supervise everything from A to Z for the soirées or events that you organise for others.

Conventions, annual meetings, symposiums, inaugurations… All occasions that can create an unforgettable experience!

According to the specifications defined with your client, you make a proposal compatible with their budget.

In constant liaison with the client, you alternate meetings of preparation, follow-up, back-planning and validation for each stage: room choice and organisation, menu selection, management of technical installation, coordination of external service providers (florists, DJ, orchestra, etc.).

As the director’s right hand, the manager is in command during the time slot that is entrusted to him/her. You’re completely versatile – you’re everywhere, in theatres and backstage, so that the well-oiled mechanics of your “profit centre”, organised in the American style, keep running without a hitch.

Your typical day revolves around three activities: facilitate-manage-sell. Every day, we must motivate the staff, train new recruits, ensure their integration, detect future team leaders, and thus ensure internal promotion, which is particularly important in fast food.

You do not hesitate to get involved if need be: to give a helping hand to the cooks, to open an additional till in case of customer influx, to add seats, etc.

You are also responsible for managing the restaurant: controlling production, keeping track of stocks, doing accounting, supervising use of time. You also ensure the quality of reception and service, in compliance with the standards laid down by the parent company.

You must be as comfortable with customers as you are with your team. You can settle any disputes, speak with customers to get their opinions and suggestions, and maintain a friendly atmosphere..


This is THE hospitality trade of the day. All hotel chains and large establishments have their own yield manager or revenu manager.

A real numbers pro, you juggle with reservations and room prices to improve the profitability of the hotel.

You may prefer to rent five rooms at full price than ten at a reduced price.

To guide yourself, you look closely at competition and each day monitor the booking tables.

You are a good communicator and know how to keep up with the needs of tour operators and travel agencies likely to “buy” a lot of rooms from you at the last minute.

You are the big boss of reception. You generally leave reception tasks to your receptionists and devote yourself to administrative and commercial tasks: booking schedules, relations with travel agencies and booking centres, reception secretariat, audit, etc. You also organise special operations, such as the arrival of a group for a congress. You work closely with reservations to fill the hotel: it is up to you to know how to sell to the “big customers” (agencies, tour operators, etc.) the qualities of your establishment, how to anticipate a trough period, search for customers, and maintain cordial relations with your competitors to send surplus customers to each other.

As a service manager, you manage your team, plan services and participate in the recruitment of reception staff. Diplomacy is one of your biggest assets because it is often up to you to intervene in the event of dispute and to satisfy unhappy customers while not denigrating the work of the staff.

The concierge could be seen as the soul of a great hotel. It is a challenging and demanding job, and you are the first person guests encounter when walking through the doors of a luxury hotel. Welcoming, informing and advising clients, this is what keeps you busy from early in the morning to late at night.

Your main task is to stay informed about everything and to make the clients’ stay as pleasant as possible. Knowing the tastes and habits of clients allows you to provide highly personalised service. Every wish must be granted and every problem resolved.

You are the link to the internal services of the hotel (restaurant, shops, hairdresser, etc.) and with the outside (travel agencies, doctors, tourist guides, theatres, taxis, etc.). You keep abreast of everything – trendy nightclubs, gourmet restaurants, successful plays, etc. You update your address book constantly, to be able to answer any request.

In large hotels you have several people reporting to you. As you are in charge of the hall, you manage the activities of the staff who work there: baggage handlers, pages, etc.

Career Opportunities | INFORMATIONS

Office Manager
Hotel Management School of Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tél : +41 22 919 24 24


Professional training
Federal Sommelier Course | Hopital Training Course

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