Un engagement à long terme envers la durabilité et la responsabilité environnementale.

Responsabilité sociale de l'École Hôtelière

Our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of our business and educational mission. We strive to promote sustainable and responsible practices through various projects and initiatives.

Whether it’s the use of local and seasonal produce, our participation in health programs such as Fourchette verte and Bike to Work, or our ambitious eco-responsible renovation projects, every action we take reflects our dedication to sustainability.

Through these efforts, we aim to create a healthy and sustainable environment for EHG students, our staff and the surrounding community.

Nos partenaires RSE

Logo_Electricite Vitale Vert
Nous avons choisi Electricité Vitale Vert dès 2016 pour limiter notre empreinte écologique. Un accompagnement SIG-éco21 a également été sollicité, pour réduire notre consommation énergétique.

We chose Electricité Vitale Vert back in 2016 to limit our ecological footprint.

We also asked SIG-éco21 to help us reduce our energy consumption. These choices are part of a cross-disciplinary approach, as sustainability is an integral part of our students’ curriculum.

As part of our global commitment, we have installed a solar power plant, set up waste sorting garbage cans from the kitchen to the classrooms, installed LED lighting with presence detectors, we are fighting food waste through various actions, we promote locally sourced seasonal produce, we regulate the heating system specific to each building and we check our electricity consumption through monthly assessments.

We encourage soft mobility by installing bike racks and participating in “Bike to Work”. We also run campaigns and encourage our students to donate blood at the HUG.

EHG - Label +1
Le Label 1+ est un témoignage de notre dévouement à un recrutement responsable.

This initiative is part of the partnership charter established between the State of Geneva, FER Genève andUAPG, aimed at giving priority to hiring Geneva residents with equal skills.

In the wake of the unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis, it’s more important than ever to support our local resources. The Label 1+ initiative reinforces the idea that employment should be an engine of integration, not a channel of exclusion.

We continue to uphold this principle by focusing on hiring Geneva residents on an equal basis, regardless of age, disability or length of unemployment.

This is in line with our belief that employment is essential for social integration.

I commit, I commit!

CyberPeace Builders, pour un environnement numérique plus sûr pour tous

At the École Hôtelière de Genève, we are deeply committed to our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, particularly in the areas of digital inclusion and cybersecurity.

In partnership with the CyberPeace Institute and the City of Geneva, we support local associations by providing free cybersecurity expertise through the CyberPeace Builders program.

This initiative aims to create a resilient digital network by offering specialist advice to non-profit organizations, strengthening their cybersecurity capabilities.

Our collaboration fosters lasting, sustained relationships within the community, strengthening Geneva’s local support system and contributing to a safer digital environment for all.

Pour une expérience culinaire authentique et responsable, ancrée dans la tradition et l'innovation suisse

At the École Hôtelière de Genève, we are proud of our commitment to using local and seasonal produce, highlighting suppliers and products from Geneva and Switzerland. We work closely with GRTA, a guarantee mark created by the State of Geneva in 2004, which certifies agricultural products from the Geneva region at every stage of processing, from field to plate.

The GRTA brand is based on four core values: Quality, Proximity, Traceability and Fairness. These values reflect our own commitment to offering products of excellence while supporting local farmers. By using GRTA-certified products, we not only ensure the quality and freshness of our ingredients, but also contribute to the sustainability and resilience of our local farming community.

Our menus follow the seasons, ensuring that we use the freshest, tastiest ingredients available. Whether it’s vegetables from the market garden, wines from the vineyard or meats from local farms, every product we use tells a story of proximity and respect for the environment.

By supporting Geneva and Swiss products, we strengthen the links between gastronomy and local agriculture, offering our students an authentic and responsible culinary experience, rooted in Swiss tradition and innovation.

Logo Bike To Work
Un esprit d'équipe qui contribue à la promotion de la mobilité durable.

We’re proud to be taking part in the “Bike to Work” campaign, an initiative that promotes health in the workplace. Every year in May and June, over 100,000 commuters choose to cycle to work as many days as possible, with attractive prizes to be won.

By taking part in “Bike to Work”, some 3,300 companies are strengthening the team spirit and fitness of their staff, while supporting sustainable mobility practices.

The results of our participation are impressive: 15 participants cycled a total of 4831 kilometers, reducing our CO2 emissions by 696 kg. Our five teams took an active part, achieving a 64% share of bike-days and accumulating a total of 373 bike-days.

Among the teams, Team 4 EHG stands out with 48 days on the bike and 174.7 km covered, closely followed by Team 2 EHG with 112 days on the bike and 2838 km, and EHG – C&A with 48 days on the bike and 487.85 km.

Thanks to “Bike to Work”, we’ve not only improved our health and fitness, we’ve also strengthened our team spirit and helped promote sustainable mobility.

Planifier le futur

Responsabilité sociale de l'École Hôtelière

We are actively exploring eco-responsible initiatives for our future renovation projects. Among the ideas under discussion, we are considering the installation of solar tiles on the roof of our main building and solar panels on the Pavilion.

  • We are also looking into the possibility of connecting our buildings to SIG GeniLac for more sustainable energy.
  • Other initiatives under consideration include the installation of insect hotels and bird nesting boxes in the oak trees on Avenue de la Paix, as well as the recovery of rainwater for watering and potentially for toilet flushing.
  • To promote green mobility, we plan to install charging stations for electric vehicles.
  • We are also discussing the automation of kitchen ventilation systems for on-demand operation, and the installation of electrical sub-meters for precise monitoring of electricity consumption by building.

These potential projects reflect our long-term commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24