Partnaires institutionnels de l'Ecole Hôtelière de Genève

Institutional partners

Unparalleled Opportunities for Our Students

Discover Our Preferred Institutional Partners

At the École Hôtelière de Genève, we firmly believe that strong partnerships are essential to providing our students with unrivalled opportunities and top-quality training.

Thanks to our strategic collaborations with prestigious companies and institutions, our students benefit from hands-on, immersive experiences that perfectly complement their theoretical training.

Les partenaires institutionnels de l'Ecole Hôtelière de Genève

These privileged institutional partners enable our students to familiarize themselves with the high standards of the hospitality industry and develop transferable skills suitable for a variety of sectors, including event management, business and entrepreneurship.

Our close relationships with industry not only ensure optimal preparation for local and international careers, but also offer additional opportunities such as international internships, scholarships, and access to industry mentors.

By integrating seasoned professionals and thought leaders into our program, we continually enrich our educational offering and ensure a smooth transition to the professional world for our students.

Our network of partners plays a crucial role in the success of our graduates, preparing them to become future leaders in the hospitality industry and beyond.

Geneva Marriott Hotel - Partenaire Semaine Découverte Ecole Hôtelière Genève
Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil - Partenaire institutionnel
Educa Swiss - Partenaire institutionnel
CREA - Partenaire institutionnel
Fondation Fred Feldpausch
Monde economique
Odec - Partenaire institutionnel
Armée Suisse
Lightspeed Commerce Inc--Lightspeed Announces Corporate Name Cha
Restaurant Vieux Bois Genève - Logo
Alumnforce communauté d'alumni connectée et active
Hotel & Gastro Formation - Partenaire institutionnel
Collège du Léman
Découvrez nos partenaires institutionnels privilégiés

We are proud to be partnered with over 75 hotel companies who offer invaluable work experience through their internship opportunities.
Our students are highly sought after for their skills and professionalism.
Every year, at our biannual forum on the EHG campus, these companies actively recruit our students.
For more information, please visit our page dedicated to internships.

Contact us

Ecole Hôtelière de Genève Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève Tel: +41 22 919 24 24