AI, Automation & Transformation in Hospitality

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    Cursus : Certificat

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    Durée : 5 semaines

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    Apprentissage : En ligne

Formation Continue Spécialisée

Maîtrisez l'IA et l'automatisation en hôtellerie-restauration.

Date available soon

This certificate will provide you with concrete tools to manage digitalization and implement a culture of sustainable innovation.

The “AI, Automation & Transformation in Hospitality” module focuses on the growing impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in the hospitality sector.

Students will gain an understanding of how AI and automation are being used to improve operational efficiency, customer experience and strategic decision-making. They will also examine the ethical and social implications of using AI in the hospitality industry.

This module will equip students with the knowledge and skills to effectively analyze emerging technologies, anticipate transformation and exploit the competitive advantages offered by AI and automation in the hospitality context.

Compétences & Objectifs du module

Après avoir réussi ce module, les étudiants seront capables de

Analyze specific opportunities where artificial intelligence (AI) can be integrated into hotel and restaurant operations, developing tailored implementation strategies to improve efficiency and profitability.

Critically assess the ethical and social implications of using AI and automation in the hospitality sector, proposing appropriate mitigation measures to promote responsible use of these technologies.

Analyze the feasibility of implementing AI and automated systems to personalize and improve the customer experience in the hotel industry in terms of cost, efficiency and real added value.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24