reseau alumni ecole hoteliere Genève

The alumni of the EHG

  • 2users

    4000+ alumni

  • notes

    Réunion bi-annuelle

  • message

    Rencontres fréquentes

  • certificat

    Ambassadeurs sur les 5 continents

Un héritage d'excellence et de force

Le réseau des Alumni de l'EHG

As a member of the École Hôtelière de Genève Alumni network, you are an integral part of our global community of hospitality professionals and entrepreneurs.

You’ll remain an essential part of the EHG community throughout your life. Get involved and exchange ideas or opportunities with EHG friends around the world by connecting to dedicated channels like our Alumni group on LinkedIn.

Carrières diversifiées & industries

As one of the first hotel schools, founded in 1914, EHG has over 110 years’ experience in hospitality education and a reputation for excellence in the industry.

This legacy of excellence is the fruit of the dedication and ambition of our alumni, who form a powerful professional network.

  • The EHG has more than 4,000 alumni.
  • EHG Alumni members can be found on all 5 continents.

We strongly encourage all EHG Alumni to connect regularly to the EHG Alumni Network, to stay informed about regional events and meetings, find interesting job and collaboration opportunities, or share industry news and ideas.

Alison Viard Alumni de l'Ecole Hôtelière de Genève
Arthur Leclerc- Réseau Alumni de l'EHG

Les avantages des Alumni

Alumni testimonials show the diversity of careers and industries in which they operate, illustrating the reach and influence of EHG around the world.

As a member of the EHG Alumni network, you’ll enjoy a host of benefits for your professional and personal life. You’ll also find a warm welcome every time you return to the school.

As an EHG Alumni, you receive a 20% discount on our post-graduate courses and online certificates. You also get a 10% discount on lunches for 1-7 people at Restaurant Vieux-Bois.

We’re also delighted to welcome you as a guest speaker for our student presentations.

Ana Grabner
L'EHG m'a offert un environnement académique rigoureux, qui m'a permis d'acquérir des compétences en gestion et en leadership.
Je pense, qu’en plus d’être une école prestigieuse, tournée vers l’excellence et située dans un lieu d’exception, elle a cette taille humaine qui la rend spéciale.
Une école à taille humaine, où l’on peut échanger avec ses professeurs.
William Rey
l’EHG m’a beaucoup apportée en termes de gestion d’entreprise.
Grâce à l’EHG et la formation proposée au sein de l’Ecole, j’ai obtenu d’excellentes compétences managériales.
Ce qui distingue l'EHG des autres écoles hôtelières, c'est son engagement envers l'excellence, son approche pratique de l'apprentissage et son réseau étendu d'anciens élèves.
Anaïs Zwald, Major de Promotion

Intégrer un réseau alumni puissant

EHG alumni proudly wear the school emblem, having forged unbreakable bonds during their studies at the school. They are used to networking, collaborating and getting together to rekindle shared memories, but also to exchange ideas and create professional opportunities.

As a school, we have the pleasure of frequently inviting our alumni back to share their industry experiences with current students, welcoming them as guest speakers and preserving this precious family bond.

As an alumnus, benefit from free registration on Alumnforce to join a network of over a thousand industry professionals, including EHG alumni worldwide. Join Stamm, local alumni groups established on 5 continents.

Tous les événements du réseau Alumni

To keep intergenerational links alive and develop exchanges, regular events are organized every year, as well as two flagship events on the EHG campus – the alumni gala dinner in winter and the alumni BBQ in summer. As soon as you walk through the EHG doors, you become a member of the family for life.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24