Creating your Business Plan

  • home-alt

    Cursus : Certificat

  • uil_comment-alt-check

    Durée : 5 semaines

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    Apprentissage : En ligne

Formation Continue Spécialisée

Élaborez un plan d’affaires clair et efficace.

Date available soon

This module also covers legal and regulatory considerations specific to the foodservice sector.

“Creating your Business Plan” is a module that gives students all the tools they need to design a solid, effective business plan.

Learners will be guided through the various stages of the business plan creation process, including identification of an innovative restaurant concept, market analysis, definition of the product and service offering, financial planning, and marketing strategy.

By the end of this module, learners will have acquired the skills they need to develop a comprehensive and compelling business plan for their restaurant, helping them to successfully put their business idea into action.

Compétences & Objectifs du module

Après avoir réussi ce module, les étudiants seront capables de

Identify an innovative restaurant concept using in-depth research and market analysis methods.

Develop a competitive product and service offering by integrating differentiation and positioning strategies.

Develop a sound financial plan by applying budgeting, forecasting and cost management techniques, while ensuring the restaurant's profitability.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24