Event Security & Risk Management

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    Cursus : Certificat

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    Durée : 5 semaines

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    Apprentissage : En ligne

Formation Continue Spécialisée

Anticipez et gérez les risques avec maîtrise

Starts June 30, 2025

This certificate will provide you with key skills for anticipating risks, ensuring safety and organizing events with complete peace of mind.

The “Event Security & Risk Management” module focuses on the evaluation of different risk assessment models, as well as the planning, implementation and evaluation of security and risk management in the context of events.

Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the key considerations involved in securing people, facilities and data at major events such as concerts, festivals, conferences and exhibitions.

The module will cover topics such as risk assessment, designing an effective security plan, crowd management, using advanced security technologies and coordinating with law enforcement officials.

In this way, students will develop the skills needed to ensure optimum safety for participants and successful events.

Compétences & Objectifs du module

Après avoir réussi ce module, les étudiants seront capables de

Critically evaluate different risk assessment models to identify the most appropriate approaches to event safety and risk management.

Analyze in depth the different risk models associated with different types of event, in order to design safety plans adapted to each situation.

Design an effective security plan to ensure the smooth running of an event by putting in place appropriate measures to guarantee the safety and security of all participants.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24