Opportunity & Concept Creation for Events

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    Cursus : Certificat

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    Durée : 5 semaines

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    Apprentissage : En ligne

Formation Continue Spécialisée

Inspirez et créez l’exceptionnel

Starts September 1, 2025

This certificate will give you the essential skills to create unique concepts and maximize their success in the events market.

The “Opportunity & Concept Creation for Events” module offers an in-depth exploration of emerging trends in the events industry, and the associated business opportunities.

Students will have the opportunity to evaluate and analyze national and international events to better understand their impact on the sector. They will also learn to adapt event management concepts and strategies to local environments, in order to attract a diverse clientele.

With an emphasis on creativity and innovation, this module encourages students to develop unique and engaging concepts for events, using the information gathered in their analyses to make informed decisions.

With this module, students will be well equipped to succeed in the events industry and create memorable experiences for their customers.

Compétences & Objectifs du module

Après avoir réussi ce module, les étudiants seront capables de

Assess and analyze national and international event trends to identify emerging business opportunities.

Adapt event management concepts and strategies to the specifics of local environments to meet the needs of different audiences.

Create and develop innovative concepts for events, using information gathered from analyses and applying creative and innovative approaches.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24