Principles of Luxury Hospitality

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    Cursus : Certificat

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    Durée : 5 semaines

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    Apprentissage : En ligne

Formation Continue Spécialisée

Maîtrisez les principes de l'hôtellerie de luxe

Date available soon

“This certificate will provide you with the essential skills to deliver exceptional luxury service, manage quality and personalize the customer experience in luxury hospitality.”

This “Principles of Luxury Hospitality” module aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of the luxury hospitality industry.

Students will be able to explore key concepts related to luxury service, quality management, customer management and the personalization of the customer experience.

They will study luxury trends and challenges in the hospitality industry, the importance of brand and reputation. This module will also focus on the leadership and management skills needed to operate in a demanding, customer-focused luxury environment.

Finally, they will investigate, discuss and analyze the definition of luxury and what these fundamental factors mean in relation to contemporary luxury hotels.

Compétences & Objectifs du module

Après avoir réussi ce module, les étudiants seront capables de

Analyze the key concepts of luxury service, quality management, guest management and the personalization of the guest experience in the luxury hotel industry.

Assess current trends and challenges in the luxury hospitality industry, with a focus on the importance of brand and reputation.

Develop effective leadership and management skills to succeed in a demanding, customer-focused luxury environment within the contemporary luxury hospitality industry.


Hotel Management School Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 12 – CH 1202 Genève
Tel : +41 22 919 24 24