Anais Zwald Alumni Ecole Hôtelière Genève


Anaïs Zwald

Hello Anaïs,

Today, we have the privilege of speaking with you, the valedictorian with the highest GPA ever achieved at EHG with 5.92/6 after three semesters of intensive courses.

Congratulations on your recent graduation and for being named Valedictorian! Could you briefly introduce yourself and share a bit about your background?

“My name is Anaïs Zwald, I’m 22 years old, I’m from Geneva but currently living in Thailand after my diploma at the Ecole Hôtelière de Genève. I’m passionate about sports and nature, and I hate being bored. After a relatively normal education in the Geneva canton, combined with international sports competitions, and having obtained my gymnasium diploma with honors, I initially aimed for university studies. However, after attending a few classes in large university amphitheaters, I realized it wasn’t for me. I didn’t feel a connection or passion and missed the rigor and proximity I was looking for in a school.”

What led you to pursue studies in hospitality/restaurant management?

“I stumbled upon this school by chance, as I was not from this field. Since I didn’t want to go to university, my father mentioned the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, seeing me in that domain. After some research, that renowned school didn’t fully meet my expectations, particularly due to its large size. My neighbor, an EHG graduate, had spoken highly of the school, which caught my attention. So, I visited the Open House nearly a year before my entry, and I immediately knew I wanted to study here.”

What was your initial motivation to join the Ecole Hôtelière de Genève (EHG)?

“It was first the rigor and pursuit of excellence of this school that appealed to me. Then, as the tour and meetings with the school’s members continued, its human and relational aspects won me over. The practical courses and internships also played a role, as I genuinely wanted to start working in the field and learn everything necessary.”

Anais Zwald Major de promotion de l'Ecole Hoteliere

What, in your opinion, sets EHG apart from other hospitality schools?

“I believe that in addition to being a prestigious school, focused on excellence and located in an exceptional place, it has this human size that makes it special. It’s truly pleasant to walk into the institution and know everyone, from the staff, teachers, to the students. The classes are also more engaging because of the smaller number of people in them. It’s easier to get help and make progress, especially for students who may be struggling. It also now has a large network of alumni, considered like a big family, ready to help and share their experiences.”

Can you describe a significant moment or valuable experience you had during your studies at EHG?

“First of all, I’d say the relationships. It’s at this school that I met my best friend, who supported me throughout these three years, and for that, I’m very grateful. The group projects were also very enriching, particularly the Bootcamp in the final semester, which I think touched us all. We had two days to set up a project from A to Z in a team and present it to investors. It was intense, but it allowed us to work together, push our limits, develop creativity, and manage stress. And of course, the wonderful graduation ceremony organized by the school, which will remain etched in my memory, marking an important milestone in my life.”

During your studies, you completed internships. Could you tell us about one of these internships and its impact on your training?

“I’ve interned in highly reputed establishments such as Hôtel Beau-Rivage Geneva or Hôtel Metropole & Hotel-Restaurant Du Parc Des Eaux-Vives, which greatly contributed to my learning, but also in smaller ones like the Tor Hôtel Geneva, which gave me even more responsibilities. However, it was my last internship that stood out because of its uniqueness. Along with my friend, we spent a little over 3 months in the Isan region, in the northeast of Thailand, teaching at the Pimali Foundation, a hospitality school for orphans and underprivileged young Thais. It was a particularly rich human and professional experience, full of encounters and emotions. It is partly thanks to them that we decided to stay in this incredible country, and we’ve found jobs here to settle down.”

What are the main skills you acquired at EHG?

“It’s a very comprehensive school that provides us with all the necessary tools to succeed in the hospitality and restaurant industry. Having had no knowledge in this field three years ago, the school opened the doors to this new world for me. Not only in terms of theoretical and practical knowledge (hotel management, restaurant management, team management, finance, accommodation, marketing, communication, cuisine, service…) but also by instilling values of rigor, excellence, quality, customer service, and also sustainability, which is increasingly important today.”

If you had to summarize your experience at EHG in three words, which would you choose?

“It’s hard to summarize six semesters of studies in just three words, especially after doing and learning so many different things. I would say: Excellence, Training, and Hard Work.”

You recently graduated at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva, in the presence of the State Councillor, and you made history with the highest GPA ever at EHG with 5.92/6. First of all, congratulations – what helped you achieve such success?

“I’ve always been a very studious person, quite competitive, and someone who does whatever it takes to reach her goals. I did a lot of sports and competitions during my teenage years, and I believe that helped forge my fighting spirit. My parents also always supported me and pushed me to aim as high as I could.

In addition to my personality, I think these elements led me to work relentlessly throughout these three years to achieve this title, which was one of my objectives.”

Congratulations on your new role as Quality and Sustainability Coordinator at Pimalai Resort & Spa! What does your role entail, and what excites you the most about this position?

“I’m very happy to be part of the Pimalai Resort & Spa family. Along with my teams, I’ll contribute to the collective effort to continuously improve the quality of service for our resort’s guests by suggesting improvements and bringing in my youthful perspective and the experience I gained during my studies at EHG.

In addition to this, I’ll enhance the ecological and sustainable aspect within the establishment, both for guests and employees, to align our daily actions with our desire to become a more ‘green’ and environmentally respectful establishment. I’m also excited to learn more about another culture and to share mine in return.”

Working in a paradise like Koh Lanta must be a dream come true. How was the transition, and what do you love the most about living and working there?

“It’s true that it’s a wonderful place, but don’t believe everything you see on social media! We work hard, six days a week. Employees have far fewer days off and holidays than we’re used to. It’s very hot most of the time and very humid for half the year.

Despite that, the employees and the local population are incredibly kind, and we love the Thai culture, discovering a bit more of it each day.

It’s very enriching to go abroad to work and see how other countries operate, meet people from different backgrounds, and learn a new language. And of course, spending Sunday afternoons with your feet in the sand isn’t so bad either!”

Anais Zwald sur une barque en thailand

What are you most passionate about in your work and in life in general?

“I hate being bored, so I’m a very active person in my daily life. That’s why, in addition to sports and studies, I’ve always loved working and constantly learning new things. I enjoy this field because I love making people happy, especially in the restaurant business. No two days are the same, and there are so many different positions that you never get bored!”

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years, and how do you envision your growth in the hospitality industry?

“Thailand has taught me to live in the moment and not rush things. That’s what I’m doing now. After our 3 months of volunteering, we had no idea what to do or where to go, and here we are today in one of the most beautiful resorts in Thailand.

I plan to give my best every day and seize the opportunities that come my way, in order to grow in this field.

I do have a soft spot for the restaurant industry, and my boyfriend is a pastry chef, so who knows, maybe one day…”

What advice would you give to current EHG students to successfully start their careers?

“First, don’t let the workload overwhelm you. Plan ahead, work a little every day, don’t leave everything to the last minute, review your courses regularly… It may seem tedious at first, but you’ll find you have more time to enjoy your loved ones and hobbies. Expand your network by meeting new people at the institution.

Get involved in school life; it’s a great way to meet more people and very enriching to organize and participate in various events. Take advantage of internships to gain practical experience and apply what you’ve learned in class. And finally, enjoy and appreciate the privilege of being there.

You’ll find yourself an alum much sooner than you think.”

Would you like to leave a message for a particular professor? Can you share a memorable experience or lesson you learned from one of them?

“I would like to thank each of them one by one for their patience and knowledge shared throughout these three years. I’m very grateful to have had the chance to meet them on my journey.

Each of them brought something to me in their own way and were key parts of the construction of my professional and personal life. I’d be delighted to continue working with them in the years to come.”

Finally, for students aspiring to join EHG, what advice would you give them to make the most of their time at the school?

“Take advantage of everything this school can teach and offer you professionally, but also personally. Three years may seem long, but they will fly by in the blink of an eye if you give it your all.

Internships are also an opportunity to get a foot in the professional world, discover what you enjoy, and carve out a path in this field, all while making great connections and expanding your network.

Seize the opportunities that come your way during your studies and beyond. Go abroad in your final year to discover other cultures and ways of doing things. But above all, do what you love, follow your dreams, and give it your all. You’ll find yourself happy to wake up every morning to do something you’re passionate about.”

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