Une école de management en hôtellerie

Terms of use

We are particularly attentive to your expectations in terms of discretion and privacy, and wish to preserve the trust you place in us.

Consequently, the purpose of this cookie policy is to describe in detail the processing of information collected during visits to this website and to offer you the opportunity to configure the use of these cookies according to your wishes.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file sent by a website and stored on your computer terminal (e.g. computer, smartphone) when you consult an online service from your browser. The vast majority of websites use cookies.

A cookie enables its sender to identify the terminal where it is stored, for the duration of the cookie’s validity and storage.

Any storage medium used by the browser software, such as local storage, session storage or any other local database of the browser software, is considered a “cookie” for the purposes of this definition.

What do we use cookies for?

In general, cookies facilitate and improve your browsing experience on our website. Subject to your choice, which can be modified at any time, we use cookies on our site to enable more efficient browsing for users.

Cookies enable you to choose your connection preferences (e.g. language) or to subscribe to online products and services.

The cookies we issue also enable us to compile statistics and volumes on the number of visits to and use of the various elements making up our site, thus enabling us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services and to adapt the presentation of our site to the display preferences of your terminal (e.g. display resolution, operating system used) during your visits to our site.

What cookies do we use and how can I set them?

Registration of a cookie in a terminal is in principle subject to the terminal user’s wishes. Several options are available for managing cookies:

the user may choose, at any time, to express and modify his or her wishes with regard to cookies by means of his or her browser or, for our website, by means of the parameter-setting tools described below.

The configuration of each browser is different and is described in your browser’s help menu, which will tell you how to modify your general cookie preferences.

If you have enabled your browser to store cookies on your terminal, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have consulted may be stored temporarily in an ad hoc space on your terminal.

If you refuse to accept cookies on your terminal, or if you delete the cookies stored on your terminal, you will no longer be able to use some of the functions on our site.

With regard to the cookies we use on our site, you have the option of configuring them individually, depending on their type. Below you’ll find an explanation of each type of cookie (data collected, purpose of cookies and data retention period), and you can choose to accept or reject their use.

Renewal of consent

When you consent to the use of cookies, this consent is valid for a maximum of 13 months, after which you will be asked to renew your consent.

This renewal may also occur if you connect from another terminal or if you change your browser settings, or when the website is updated.

Data protection statement from www.ehg.ch


Status to March 2024


Who is responsible for your personal data and who can you contact?


The entities of the “Hotel Management School Geneva” (to which the pronoun “we” below also refers) process information and personal data concerning you and/or any person linked to you (the linked person(s) and yourself, collectively the “Person(s) concerned“).


We carry out this processing in the context of existing business relationships and/or relationships with potential customers, including your use of our websites and applications (collectively the “Business Relationship“).


We may do so in our capacity as either controller or joint controller (hereinafter the “Controller“).


A “Related Person” is a person or entity about whom you or a third party provide us with information and/or of whom we are otherwise aware in connection with our business relationship.


A Related Person may be a director, officer, employee or subcontractor of a company.


We therefore ask you to contact all Persons connected with you and to pass on this “data protection declaration” and the information it contains to them.


If you have any questions about this Data Protection Statement, your Data Controller or, more generally, the processing of your personal data (or that of related Persons), you can contact our Data Protection Officer(Webmaster) at the following address:


Data Protection Officer
Avenue de la Paix 12
1202 Genève
Email: webmaster@ehg.ch

Legal and regulatory restrictions


You are consulting a web page of the Ecole Hôtelière de Genève domain relating to Ecole Hôtelière de Genève entities located in Switzerland. We also strongly recommend that you consult the legal information relating to the use of the Hotel Management School Geneva website.


Hotel Management School Geneva: www.ehg.ch


This website may provide automatic links to other websites. Use of these links to any other pages outside this site is at your own risk.


The Hotel Management School Geneva does not review any of the websites referenced by its website. Consequently, the Hotel Management School Geneva assumes no responsibility for their content or for the products, services or other offered through them.


The following sites are managed by companies of the Hotel Management School Geneva and may be consulted for information about certain entities of the Hotel Management School Geneva.

Hotel Management School Geneva: www.ehg.ch


User data processing and collection


The Hotel Management School Geneva website collects technical data concerning users, such as origin, duration and times of consultation, number of pages consulted, type of browser or digital tool used. For further information, please consult the “Cookie policy“.

The Hotel Management School Geneva and its data suppliers make every effort to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate and complete at the time of publication.

Limitation of liability


The Hotel Management School Geneva and its data providers expressly disclaim all liability to any person for any reason whatsoever in connection with the consequences of any act or omission resulting from the use of or reliance on any or all of the contents of the Hotel Management School Geneva website.

Furthermore, the Hotel Management School Geneva and its data providers shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of or reliance on the information contained in this site, including without limitation any loss, reduction in profit or any direct or indirect damage.


The entire Hotel Management School Geneva website is protected by copyright.

This website may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, transmitted (by electronic means or otherwise), modified, linked to or used for any public or commercial purpose without the prior written permission of the Hotel Management School Geneva.